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Apple Ecosystem Business Model Offered High Level of User Convenience

Nadya Bella

Apple Company with the slogan on their first product ‘iMac’ is a “Think Different’ that could be realize their slogan to bring the change to the market. This technology company become lead of the market by offering their product with claims user friendly and innovative.

From the journey, Apple can make the customer become the big fans of their product. The products provide innovative solutions in human daily life. In addition, the design is simple but always shows the elegant side. Apple proves Steve Jobs words that ain’t the customer’s job to getting to know about what the things they want. The business must be able to answer what is the customer’s need and Apple proves that they can provide about customer needs.

At the first time, Apple have been focused to create ecosystem by designing and integrating the device to optimizing the function and has sync with another Apple products.

When the product replaced with other brand that is gonna be still works but the user experience would be lost.

Apple already develop the system operation user to every products (iOS, macOS, watchOS, tvOS) Apple prohibits to use the app without the original device or Apple ID. Moreover, the app who’s get in the App Store always strictly processed to comply the Apple standard. Furthermore, just some of the product who only available in Apple like Siri, Safari, Keynotes. All of those facilities that could be dreamed up by customers. So, the customers are willing to pay high prices to get comfort and convenience in all-in-one.

Apple is getting utilize their ecosystem to drive the growth of digital services because only Apple can provide exclusive access by the great user experience. Apple ecosystem business model promote product development at the first place. These things realized by user experience (hardware, software, user device, accessories, payment technology, and digital services). From this business, the new product or features create opportunity to accelerate the sale of other products. The business model who apply these system would be achieve high profits in this day.

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