Problems that we often encountered in our daily lives are mostly caused various elements or sectors and sometimes, we find challenges in identifying the root causes of those problems.
Climate change, poverty, hunger, global financial crisis, humanitarian crisis, and the Covid-19 pandemic are examples of complex problems.
Solving complex problems should not be handled by in linear approach, and it takes beyond single organization or unit to find the solution. One linear solution can trigger another problem. In a system, any benefit of one stakeholder can sometimes have a negative impact to the other stakeholders, and then resulted in creating complex problems. Solving complex problems requires helps from several stakeholders or actors to collaborate in overcoming and fully resolving this problem.
As Albert Einstein said, “We can't solve our problems with the same kind of thinking we used when we created them”. To be able to understand complex problems, we should consider an approach and thinking that includes a broad picture of a system where the issues exist. The systems thinking approach starts from breaking down the complexity into small parts, or often referred to as reductionism.
Through systems thinking, we have an understanding that each parts that have been broken down are interconnected, dynamic, and complex elements. When we put those constituent parts together it will form a system. To learn systems thinking is not easy. It takes time to understand the systems thinking approach. OiHub will help you to understand it.
OiHub Jam is Coming in 2021. We'll announce the date soon!
Stay tuned on OiHub Website www.openinnovationhub.co ! We're going to hold Open Innovation Jam for you to innovate with system thinking. Contact Open Innovation Hub to help solving complex problems in your organization.